Are Vocals for Me?

  • Singing is an important aspect of making music. People relate to the lyrics and the meaning of a song. If you take lyrics away, it’s increasingly difficult to “bond” with your listener. It’s why I believe it’s important for all musicians to explore singing. If you’re in the “rhythm section” per se, you don’t necessarily want to be lingering at the mercy of a vocalist. At the same time, if fronting a band is not for you, the ability to do backing vocals will definitely help to land you a gig. It seems that the modern era of the music industry is increasingly leaning towards individuals and no longer whole bands. Some singing ability will definitely help to put you on the map as an individual!
  • A lot of people believe that singing is an ability that you have to be born with, however this is simply not true. If you’re not tone deaf, and you’re able to make some form of noise in the correct pitch, then you have the ability to learn to sing very quickly. Even if you’re tone deaf and unable to hit a note in key, all is not lost. It all comes down to a professional vocal coach that’s able to prescribe the correct exercises.
  • If you have no experience or knowledge when it comes to singing, I’ve included a video below to get you started. Does your voice tire easily, sound thin and dull or too nasal? These are all problems you can fix with the correct training methods! Trust me on this one, when I started vocal lessons I could hit the note in the correct pitch but that was all. Other than that, it sounded terrible and I never thought I would get anywhere. After about 3 months of training I noticed a dramatic difference, and where I previously had no ability to sing and play guitar at the same time, I was now able to do it well in such a short time span.

Dean Hailstone

Hi! I'm passionate about recording and performance techniques. I'm always looking for ways to improve as a guitar player. More...

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